Monday, May 26, 2008

The Father's Loveletter

This is a very comforting letter that is written straight from the Word of God, the Bible. God bless you and your family.
The Father's Love Letter

Thursday, May 22, 2008

It happened...

Well, after almost two weeks of controlling what I eat, I failed! With the stress of finishing my job here, my in-laws visiting in the next few weeks, the stress of packing/moving to AK, etc., I felt indifferent and ate all the freaking carbs I could find last night. How disgusting!!!!!!!!! I woke this morning and cried silently on my pillow (AD did not see me, thank God). I am feeling very melancholy today, but I am attempting to pick myself up (with His help) and start again. I didn't eat breakfast, and for lunch, I had some turkey, slaw, and green beans. It just makes me very angry that I let my emotions take over like I do. My in-laws make me feel very ugly and unwanted, and the thought of being around them soon makes me anxious. This is something that I must deal with in some other positive way.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Since becoming a believer in Christ almost 10 years ago, I have had a huge passion for missions/world evangelism. The Lord Jesus promises to return when the entire world has been evangelized. This fact, in and of itself, will encourage a believer in Christ to share the Gospel of Christ with others! More importantly is for more and more people to come to know Jesus and be saved from a Holy God's perfect judgement.

AD and I served internationally for the first time in Bangkok and Chiang Mai, Thailand a year or so ago. That was an amazing experience! On the trip, God , with His perfect plan, opened the door for me to work as a university administrator while AD studied the Bible for free! That was such an answer to prayer! AD has been busy studying, serving in our local church, and working part-time. He is finishing up this part of his studies on-campus at the end of June! :) God has opened the door for us to serve in a remote village in AK, and we will be relocating in July.

Update on Diet....

The Lord has given me great strength to avoid bad carbs/sugar this week. AD is making progress, too! We are hoping to begin going to the gym this weekend. Our bodies are still getting used to the caloric restrictions, and we have been more tired than usual. Hopefully, that will change by the weekend.

Blessings! :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Infertility Issues

AD and I have been married for several years. In our early years of marriage, we were not "trying" to conceive, and, unfortunately, we used measures to prevent a pregnancy until we were through grad school and making progress in our careers. As we've matured as individuals and in our Christian faith, we have realized that we made a mistake. Now, in our early 30's, we are realizing that we are infertile. I blame my weight issues on my infertility, but my OB/GYN says there is no reason why I shouldn't be able to conceive. Needless to say, this has made us very sad, but for years (up until recently), it consumed my life!

My mother-in-law is an overall nice person, but on more than one occasion, she has said hurtful comments (perhaps unintentionally) about my weight and lack of ability to conceive a child. While my hurt turns to anger, and I question why AD won't speak up on my behalf, I have yet to respond to her. AD continues to be of the opinion that all of these feelings I have are unreasonable and are totally from my imagination. How totally absurd! ha! ha! More on the in-laws later. :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Blank Page

Does anyone find a blank page somewhat intimidating? All through college, the blank page bothered me, and I find that happening even now when I blog.

AD and I have stuck to our plan for three days now. I am finding that when I cut back on bad carbs (sugar, white bread, white pasta, etc.), that I am not nearly as hungry as I am when I eat them throughout the day. For example, when I used to try to count calories, I would eat those 100 calorie packs of cookies. About 15-20 minutes after I ate the cookies, I would be hungrier than I was prior to eating them. I don't know for sure, but I do believe it has a great deal to do with the sugars/carbs and how my body reacts to them.

AD's diet is very limited. He does not like many fruits and veggies. That seriously hinders him when he tries to watch his food intake. We joke sometimes that when he orders at a restaurant that he may as well order off of the kiddie menu. He's a meat-and-potatoes kind of guy, but his all-time-faves are chicken strips and french fries! I do love him so much, but I pray that he opens his mind to try different types of food soon.

We are making a move in about three months. So, soon, I will be wrapping up this job and adjusting to a new one. Currently, AD is a full-time student of the Bible. Since he's been studying, he's grown so much in his faith and in His walk. He is so much nicer, and our marriage is stronger now than it has been in the past. I am so thankful to the Lord for His faithfulness!

God bless!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Why I Eat

This is a very complex issue. I eat when I am happy, sad, bored, etc. So, there is definitely a problem that I have with food. It's like a drug to me. I have to face that and deal with it!

I am a believer in Christ. When I overeat, His Word convicts me, and I feel terribly guilty that I let this sin of overeating control my life. This has been weighing on my mind for some time now. So, with His help, and the support of AD, friends, and family, I am once again trying to exhibit self-control by yielding to His Spirit and will for my life.

I was reading someone's blog last week, and she had posted the following acronym. When one feels this way and is about to make bad choices, it is a good idea to be aware and take steps to avoid a binge. Makes perfect sense!


More later...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The First Post...

Hello, World!

I have become aware that many people blog so that they can express their feelings, failures, successes, fears, etc. For this reason, I have created this blog!

I am fat, and I absolutely HATE IT! I hate the looks that I get, the feelings of insecurity and lack of self-discipline that I have, and the list goes on and on!

I love my husband. For now, we'll call him AD. He is an amazing man. I love and appreciate him so much. We've been married for several years, and in those years, we have dealt with many ups and downs (including infertility). He is overweight, too, but he is a man, and we all know that being an overweight man is quite different than being an overweight woman. We can talk more about this in a future post.

At any rate, today, AD and I are attempting once again to beat the battle of the bulge. Any support you can provide will be read and appreciated.

Let's get started!